Hays County Physical Therapy and Wellness

3 Wellness Tips for Pregnancy

You begin caring for and nurturing your baby well before they are even in the world. Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is vital to taking care of the tiny baby that is growing inside you. We know this is always easier said than done since the world doesn’t stop as soon as you find yourself pregnant, especially if you already have little ones running around. Between jobs, kids, school, home, and all of the other things parents have to do, it becomes so easy to forget about prioritizing our own needs.

Here are 3 wellness tips that we have seen be incredibly helpful to the moms we have worked with here at the clinic.

Nutrition and Hydration
Nutrition is a significant part of our daily life and is even more significant while pregnant. The thing is, it is often overlooked and not given the attention it deserves, especially if you have others to take care of as well. Eating a well balanced diet loaded with whole food nutrients, can go a long way in overall health for mom and baby.

Maintaining hydration is also important during pregnancy. When you are pregnant, you need more water in order to make amniotic fluid, produce extra blood and tissue, carry nutrients, and remove waste. Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to complications, such as neural tube defects, low amniotic fluid, and even premature labor. Aim to drink about 2 liters (or 68 ounces) of water per day.

Cardio Exercise
Participating in aerobic exercise is very important for pregnant moms, with a multitude of benefits. Cardio is exercise that causes the heart rate to increase and remain at a safe and healthy elevated level during the activity. Cardio is beneficial for blood pressure regulation, as well as, increasing blood flow throughout the body which brings nutrition to the muscles, joints, and bones of the body. It also can help with discomfort and pains that are often experienced during pregnancy.

Our bodies were designed to move so the best posture is a moving one. Different types of cardio include fast-paced walks, low-intensity runs, and climbing stairs. According to ACOG, you should aim for at least 150 minutes a week (just 20 minutes per day) of moderate-intensity cardio exercise. As always, make sure you speak with your doctor first before beginning or trying any new activities for the first time.

Yes! It is safe to perform squats during pregnancy. Performing a squat routine for leg strengthening actually has several benefits. During early phases of pregnancy it helps with maintaining strength in the legs and core which will be beneficial for later phases when baby has grown. Towards the end of your pregnancy, squats can help move baby down into birth canal to help with inducing labor. Performing squats during pregnancy does come with challenges especially when body structure has changed throughout pregnancy, so proper technique is key for safety. 

Staying active, eating well, and remembering to hydrate can help you maintain good health for you and your baby, and get your body ready for a smoother postpartum recovery. So if you are pregnant and looking for ways to navigate all of the changes of pregnancy, prep for labor and delivery, and have a supported postpartum, let us know. We are happy to help!